Strategic Plan2023-12-01T17:10:44+00:00


This strategic plan aims to position Tabesh University as a dynamic and forward-thinking institution that not only excels in academic pursuits but also actively contributes to the development of Afghanistan. Regular assessments and adjustments will be made to ensure the university’s continued relevance and positive impact on the nation’s educational landscape.



Tabesh University is committed to achieving excellence in education, research, and nurturing future leaders across diverse fields who have a global impact.

  • Short-Term (1-2 years):

    • Conduct a thorough curriculum review and initiate updates to align with industry needs.
    • Identify and assess potential locations for new branches or campuses.
  • Medium-Term (3-5 years):

    • Launch online learning platforms and establish partnerships with international universities.
    • Begin infrastructure upgrades, focusing on technology integration and sustainability.
  • Long-Term (5+ years):

    • Open new branches or campuses based on successful evaluations and demand.
    • Pursue international accreditation and recognition for academic programs.
    • Implement comprehensive sustainability measures across all aspects of university operations.


  • Introduce interdisciplinary programs and update existing curricula to meet industry demands.
  • Establish a research center to encourage faculty and student research, promoting intellectual growth.
  • Strategically evaluate potential areas for new branches or campuses to increase accessibility.
  • Develop online learning platforms to reach students in remote or underserved regions.
  • Foster partnerships with renowned international universities for exchange programs and collaborative research.
  • Pursue accreditation from international accrediting bodies to enhance global recognition.
  • Launch community outreach programs, including workshops, seminars, and cultural events.
  • Collaborate with local businesses and NGOs to provide practical learning experiences for students.
  • Invest in modern facilities, including upgraded classrooms, libraries, and technology-enabled learning spaces.
  • Implement sustainable practices to ensure a safe and eco-friendly campus environment.
  • Invest in modern facilities, including upgraded classrooms, libraries, and technology-enabled learning spaces.
  • Implement sustainable practices to ensure a safe and eco-friendly campus environment.
  • Implement initiatives to increase the enrollment of female students in all faculties.
  • Establish scholarships and financial aid programs to support students from diverse backgrounds.
  • Establish an active alumni association to foster networking and collaboration.
  • Develop mentorship programs connecting current students with successful alumni.

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