Foreign Language Program

Journalism is the art of storytelling

Introduction: The Foreign Language Program at Tabesh University aims to equip students with the linguistic proficiency and cultural competence necessary to thrive in an increasingly interconnected world. This policy document outlines the guidelines and principles governing the Foreign Language Program to facilitate effective language learning and intercultural communication.

1. Program Structure:

  • The Foreign Language Program offers a range of language courses, catering to different proficiency levels and interests of students.
  • Courses may include instruction in languages such as English, French, Spanish, German, Mandarin, Arabic, and others, based on student demand and availability of resources.

2. Curriculum Design:

  • The curriculum is designed to develop students’ proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, as well as their understanding of cultural nuances and context.
  • Course content is aligned with internationally recognized language proficiency standards and frameworks.

3. Course Delivery:

  • Language courses are delivered through a variety of methods, including classroom instruction, interactive multimedia materials, language labs, and immersive experiences.
  • Emphasis is placed on communicative language teaching approaches, which prioritize real-life communication and interaction in the target language.

4. Qualified Instructors:

  • Faculty members teaching in the Foreign Language Program are highly qualified and experienced in language instruction.
  • Instructors undergo continuous professional development to stay abreast of best practices in language teaching and learning.

5. Assessment and Evaluation:

  • Student progress in language courses is assessed through a combination of formative and summative assessments, including quizzes, exams, oral presentations, projects, and proficiency tests.
  • Assessment criteria are clearly communicated to students, and feedback is provided to support their language development.

6. Language Proficiency Requirements:

  • Tabesh University may have language proficiency requirements for admission to certain programs or for graduation, depending on the academic or professional requirements of the field of study.
  • Students may be required to demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language through standardized language tests or university-administered assessments.

7. Cultural Enrichment:

  • In addition to language instruction, the Foreign Language Program provides opportunities for students to explore and appreciate the cultural heritage associated with the target language.
  • Cultural activities, guest lectures, film screenings, and cultural immersion experiences may be organized to enhance students’ understanding of the language and its cultural context.

8. Language Support Services:

  • Tabesh University offers language support services to assist students in their language learning journey, including language labs, conversation clubs, tutoring, and language exchange programs.
  • Students are encouraged to take advantage of these resources to practice their language skills and receive additional support as needed.

9. Global Citizenship and Intercultural Competence:

  • The Foreign Language Program promotes global citizenship and intercultural competence by fostering respect for linguistic and cultural diversity.
  • Through language learning, students develop empathy, tolerance, and appreciation for different perspectives, preparing them to engage as responsible global citizens in an interconnected world.

10. Continuous Improvement:

  • Tabesh University is committed to continuous improvement in its Foreign Language Program, seeking feedback from students, faculty, and stakeholders to enhance the effectiveness and relevance of language instruction.
  • The program undergoes periodic review and evaluation to ensure alignment with best practices and evolving language learning trends.

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